1. This Website is owned and operated by Palate Sensations Pte Ltd (BRN: 200408202N). Use of this Website is subject to our Terms and Conditions.
  2. While Palate Sensations makes our best efforts to ensure that the information available on the Website is accurate, it does not guarantee that the Website is free from errors or faults. Palate Sensations does not accept responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions and reserves the right to change information published on the Website at any time.
  3. Palate Sensations does not accept responsibility or liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential damages or loss of profits of any kind whatsoever which may result from any use or access of, or any inability to use or access, the Website.
  4. This general disclaimer is not restricted by any of the specific warnings and disclaimers in Palate Sensations’ Terms and Conditions, and nothing in the Terms and Conditions derogates from Palate Sensations’ right to comply with legal or law enforcement requests or requirements relating to your use of this Website or information provided to or gathered by Palate Sensations with respect to that use.


  1. Palate Sensations reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time.
  2. In these Terms and Conditions:
    • “event” means any class, function, party or other event that Palate Sensations runs, organises or holds, whether on its own or where engaged to do so;
    • “Palate Sensations” means Palate Sensations Pte Ltd (BRN: 200408202N);
    • “premises” refers to Chromos #01-03, 10 Biopolis Road, Singapore 138760;
    • “the site” or “Website” means the whole or any part of the web pages located at https://www.palateteambuilding.com;
    • “we” and “us” refers to Palate Sensations Pte Ltd and “our” has the same meaning;
    • “you” refers to any client, customer or participant of any event and “your” has the same meaning.

General terms and conditions for all events (including scheduled classes, corporate classes, private functions and gift vouchers)

  1. All prices are nett prices, unless expressly stated otherwise.
  2. Menus for events are subject to change, and Palate Sensations will take reasonable steps to inform you of any changes in advance.
  3. Please take note of your event date in your calendar, as Palate Sensations will notsend you any reminder prior to the event.
  4. Unless expressly stated otherwise in these Terms and Conditions, all purchases or payments are non-exchangeable, non-refundable and non-transferable to another date or event. Palate Sensations will not offer refunds, transfers, change of dates or postponements should you be unable to attend any booked or confirmed event or, in the case of corporate or private events, after you have signed our Proposal to you, due to any unforeseen circumstances or any other reason whatsoever, except in Palate Sensations’ sole and absolute discretion.
  5. If in the reasonable opinion of a member of staff working for us you are not fit to attend an event, for example, if you appear to be under the influence of alcohol or likely to disturb or harm others at the event, the staff member may refuse to let you attend the event.
  6. In the unlikely event of unforeseen exceptional circumstances, Palate Sensations reserves the right to change the date of or cancel an event. If that occurs, a refund of any payment made will be offered/given.

Additional terms and conditions for corporate classes/private functions

  1. All events must be guaranteed by a 50% non-refundable deposit by credit card, telegraphic transfer (TT) or cheque once you have signed our Proposal to you.
  2. The remainder of the fees for your event is payable by credit card, cash or cheque immediately at the conclusion of the event. There will be no credit terms under any circumstances.
  3. TT charges are borne by you while all credit card charges are absorbed by Palate Sensations.

Risk acknowledgment and release

  1. You agree to comply with and abide by Palate Sensations’ safety and health directions, fire and safety regulations and security arrangements. You will fully and truthfully disclose to Palate Sensations in writing any allergy, medical condition, pregnancy, dietary requirements or other relevant health information pertaining to you/your child/ward as requested in Palate Sensations’  safety and health declaration form.
  2. While Palate Sensations takes all practical and reasonable attempts to minimise any risk of injury to your/your child/ward’s person or property, you acknowledge that your/your child/ward’s attendance or participation at any event is at your/your child/ward’s own risk. You release and indemnify Palate Sensations, its employees, servants, agents and service providers from any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, liabilities, damages, losses, compensation, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in any way arising out of or resulting from your/your child/ward’s attendance or participation in an event including, without limitation, any and all claims, actions, and liabilities for injury, loss or damage to you/your child/ward, to anyone else or to any property, unless the same was caused by the gross negligence of Palate Sensations and recoverable on that ground following judgment of a competent court of final judgement.
  3. In the case of an accident or emergency, you authorise the staff of Palate Sensations to arrange for yourself/your child/ward to receive such medical care, assistance, treatment or services as Palate Sensations may deem necessary. You also undertake to release, discharge, relinquish, hold harmless, pay and reimburse to Palate Sensations all costs or expenses in respect of any medical care, assistance, treatment or services provided to you/your child/ward at any time whether such are provided by health care professionals, paramedics or any other person.
  4. You will reimburse Palate Sensations for any damage to its property caused by yourself/your child/ward (including all equipment and structures within the premises) while you/your child/ward are on the premises.
  5. Palate Sensations accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any property lost on our premises. If any property has been left behind and found by a member of our staff, please arrange with us to collect such property at a convenient time. Any lost property which has not been claimed within 7 days will be given to charity.


  1. You consent to Palate Sensations’ Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. If any provision, part of any provision, or any part of these Terms and Conditions shall for any reason be properly adjudged by any court or other legal and/ or competent authority to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions or parts contained herein shall not in any way be affected or impaired.

19.These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Singapore and you irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore.

General information

    • The dress code for events is casual and comfortable, unless otherwise advised. For your own safety and protection, please wear closed, flat, rubber-soled shoes and do not wear shorts, short skirts or sleeveless tops in case anything hot should splash on you.
    • No bags are allowed in our studio. Bags may be stored at the cupboard in front of the studio.
    • Classes start promptly, so please arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled class start time. If you are late, we will not be obliged to conduct the class for you from the beginning.
    • Please be neat and tidy during class, and keep the kitchen and your worktop clean and uncluttered. You are not expected to wash your equipment.
    • Except in emergency situations, you will not be allowed to use your mobile phone or answer calls during classes.
    • Food prepared or served during an event should be consumed during the event. If you wish to take food home after the event, please bring your own storage containers. We do not provide containers. Any food that you take away should be stored and consumed strictly in accordance with our instructions and guidelines, and we do not accept any responsibility for any food taken away.
    • Please respect the kitchen, the chef and your fellow participants at all times.
    • Please note that we do not offer disabled-friendly facilities. If you have such needs, please contact us to see if we can make arrangements to accommodate them.
    • Parking is available at Car Park A in Basement 3 in the Chromos area of Biopolis. Car Park A’s entrance is straight ahead when you drive into Biopolis. Do not go up the ramp. There is a small sign on the right that says “Car Park A” soon after you drive straight ahead into Biopolis.
    • The nearest MRT is Buona Vista.  Use the Biopolis Exit via the Circle Line.  It is a 5 minute walk through the MOE Building and Chromos is the first building in Biopolis.